Friday 27 April 2012

What makes Psychologists so different from others?
Why are Psychologists not so demanding in India?

 Recently, I had a word with a group of engineering students who consulted a psychologist in their college because of stress. They also consulted her because they wanted to take some life and study tips. Prior to counseling, the students were happy because they were about to go for counseling. They also had a ray of hope of overcoming stress. But all in vein.
After counseling, students said that the Psychologist was not at all innovative. She was speaking all that which any general population (non psychologists) would speak. For instance, whenever the students used to say that they were anxious because of too much of study pressure, the counselor would say, "Don't study at a stretch. Take break from studies after every 1 hr". Isn't this a general thing which everybody does and every non-psychologists knows.

 Later on, she started teaching them how to do various meditation. What is this...? Can't people learn meditation after watching TV? It takes maximum 1 week to learn meditation. It is better to join the classes like art of living for meditation.  For the people who already knew meditation, she told them just two words "do meditation". One of the student asked her how to overcome tension? The Psychologist just answered "Tension is not the remedy to any problem". What is this....? every general population says this.
I have personally experienced the same with the school and college psychologist what these engineering students had. Whenever I used to say that I feel very lazy and I had problem in memorizing, then the psychologist said, "GO FOR WALK FOR ATLEAST HALF AND HOUR". Again, what the hell..? This....anybody will say that. She also told me to apply positive reinforcement on myself. Being a psychologist, why didn't she apply positive reinforcement on me or a proper behavioural therapy? She would have also taught me how to apply positive renforcement on self. Many are not able to apply positive reinforcement on self because of depression. In this case, it is important for the Psychologists to motivate.

If meditation is the solution for stress, then what are Psychologists for? What makes them different from others?
For instance, we all are aware of the precautions which must be taken so as to overcome different diseases like typhoid, jaundice etc. But biological problems are inevitable. Even a healthy person can land up with the disease. If not at a young age then at an old age. In this situation, he/she has to go to the doctor. Afterall, they have no option. Only doctors can do the major treatment. Only doctors can perform surgery. Only the doctors can prescribe medicine. This makes doctor different from others.

However, clinical psychologists might be different because they are the only one who can cure abnormal bahaviour. What about non-clinical psychologists? How are they different?

How can we call Psychology an upcoming field in India if Psychologists are not in a demand? Psychologists are demanding in countries like USA. But not in india? Why? Is it because Psychologists charge a lot and India is a poor country? Then why do Indians seek astrologers, Psychic healer or a tarrot card reader? Thay also demand alot money.
I don't think that money is the reason which makes Psychologists less demanding. The reason is that if Indians see a schizophrenic patient, instead of interpreting as schizophrenia, they would interpret it like a spirt or a goose haunt. General Population are not aware of different types of psychological disorders.

A non MBBS student have an elementary knowledge of different diseases like chicken pox, jaundice etc. Offcourse, not the very detailed knowledge what the doctors or an MBBS student have. Similarly, why non psychologists don't have the basic knowledge of different disorders? This is because , they are not being taught in the school regarding the importance of Psychology.
However, if a person observes little bit of abnormality such as autism, mental reatardation etc, then they wuld prefer consulting a Psychiatrist. This is because they don't know the work of Psychologists.

Overall, it can be concluded that it is superstition and people not being aware of Psychological disorders and the work of Psychologists makes Psychologists less demanding in India. As I have mentioned above the incident with engineering students, I just have one question, What makes Psychologists different from non- psychologists?